The Ruby Mirror, 2024 Anniversary Collection
Potent Literary Elixirs Strategically Released to Activate the REDSHIFT Renaissance
Open Your Secret Codex of Desire to Rescue Your Dreams
Oh sure, you have touched its sanguine heart. You have even rested for moments at a time in its folds, riven with sumptuous delight. But when it comes to possessing it, the obstacles FEEL insurmountable. No wonder your shoulders ache all the time. You are burdened endlessly by hopelessness, fear, numbness, rage, frustration, and above all, a sense of being righteously excluded from paradise. It does not have to be this way!
Remember: You Are a Wild & Joyous Occasion Waiting to Unfurl Its Wings
Today you are a wild and joyous occasion waiting to unfurl its wings. You cannot forget this in the face of travesty. You cannot look these times in the eye and then let them win. You cannot allow this moment in history to clip your wings. You must begin to dream again. Learn why and how.
Venerable: Guardian of the Primordial Fire
This is also no ordinary midnight, no simple moonless night. If you stop and listen to the rhythm beating out its time all around you, I think you will find a clue about exactly where this bonfire of luminosity is hidden. Come confirm your suspicions of glory.
Free Woman, Rooted in Belonging: Awakening Journey
When you belong, you do not take succor with those who mean to exploit you with a shilling’s worth of “love.” You do not bow your eyes at the first sign of trouble either. Instead, you hold that sense of belonging as a warrior’s truth. This can be your truth too! Read more.
Redshifted Time: Breaking Free of Trauma’s Temporal Traps
No! You have to do it now. The systems of trauma will never make time for you to break apart the trauma structures, though they might finally break you down so there isn’t any other choice.
Weaving Twilight: A Journey of Contrasts and Hope
So, here I stand at this loom, thread by thread, surrendering my identity to the warp tension that holds the tender fabric of my new identity. Join me!
Reviving Womanhood: Activate the Power of Renewal
Live! Wake up dry bones of my abandoned faith. Move remnants of me! Dance to the sound of my spirit voice. Come alive and give me shelter.
Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Embrace the Experience of Sudden Awakening
If the rainbow bridge appears, cross it. Become the hands and feet of this great mystery, the legacy bearer of the Eternal Blessing Force. Unleash the magic within and shepherd this world through the valley of the shadow of death.
Legacy of Triumph: Forging the Victory Myths of a New Era
You have inside of you the power of speech, the resonance of your voice, the endowment of a beautiful, graceful tomorrow that exceeds your wildest dreams. Speak. Write the myths of victory for this age.
Seven Signs You Might Be a Dream Alchemist
We are living in extraordinary times, ripe with opportunity and full of risk. Right now the driving narrative is one of division and distress. Someone has to take hold of the base metal in this cultural storyline and turn it into the gold of a hopeful future. Are you called to this work? Find out!