Once Upon a Time
Word Wisdom and Healing Stories from a Bygone Era
The Passion Path® Archives 2011 through 2020
Apocalyptic Passion
Revealing a New Golden Age with Passion's Furious Pen!
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Brouhaha: The Uprising Blog
Sometimes sharp, often vulnerable, definitely disruptive!
Potent, game-changing discourse for thought connoisseurs...
Warning: This Could Disrupt Your Cultural Programming!
How to Be Happier in Troubled Times
Once you achieve this level of personal coherence and life authorship, you then reach the point at which you the portal. You become the doorway through which others can seize the opportunity and the invitation to change.
You become an atmosphere changer, a sniper systematically eliminating the old realities of trauma-based living, first for yourself, and then for those around you.
Read MoreHow to Break the Trauma Bond You Have with Trump
And this is the one and only lie he needs to make unassailable. This is the grandest of his efforts. He wishes to destroy the checks and balances, or at least give the appearance that he has. In this way, we fall under the spell of our own inessentiality. We fall prey to our sense that it is futile to even attempt real change or to invest in a tomorrow that may never come.
But the key to recovering from any exploitative, toxic, trauma bond is actually to begin to see the glitches in the matrix.
Read MoreComfort Lies Are Killing Our Future
Comfort lies! That is what I have started calling them. They are the bald-faced lies of empire that we have come to rely upon as solace in a world that is rapidly destroying human decency and initiating us all into global, patriarchal, white supremacist fascism.
Read MoreThe Pleasure Price: The High Priestess Has Arrived
She reminded me of Persephone and her fateful encounter with Hades and his pomegranate seeds. She urged me to remember that there is life giving food in the dark, watery chasms of this world. But would I be willing to taste the bittersweet fruit again? Would I trust her? Find out!
Read MoreThe Resurrection Diaries
Literary Magic to Bring Your Dreams to Life
Seed a Harvest of Love in the Dry, Bitter Fields of Lovelessness
And from this stillness, walk resolutely, with tears streaming (as they surely will), into the heart-promise of this harvest we have called forth today. Do the work of ripping up weeds from your inner garden. Check your pockets for a multiplication of that original seed. Cast every last morsel of promise upon the bone-dry ground. Prepare the storehouse for more than you think it can hold. Water the land of your inner world as best you can. Remember, your tears are more powerful for coaxing forth the first fruits of this harvest than you can even imagine. But a smile brings torrents of rain (living water straight from your belly) and bright, brilliant sunrises in your eyes.
Read MorePerilous Nostalgia
Learn how to Navigate the Space Between Trauma and Triumph without Succumbing to the Siren Song of the Familiar
More is possible. But first, you must let go of the cocky sense of reassurance your emotional healing has given you and get down to the nuts and bolts of creating the inner and outer structures your expectations demand.
Read MoreThe Neon Hermit is Gone
Meanwhile, the bat signal is out of order and the mainframe crashed. So, what shall you do? Give up this treasure hunt? Or strike out with a resonant yearning in your heart and find that as soon as you do…
Read MoreThe Warrior's Way
Reflections on War, Villainy, and Prayer
Why I Am the Villain in My Own Story
The societal divide between heroes and villains is a disastrous lie. Find out what I mean & why I have responded by embracing my own villainous ways.
Read MoreIn Her Eyes: The Resolution
Our creativity lies in the unity of the warrior’s detached heart & the fleshy heart of personal, often ragged, definitely all too human, desire.
Read MoreUnmasking the Powerful Face of the Victim
The integration of the victim & our experiences of victimization is a powerful right of passage into a life of passionate warriorship.
Read MoreFrom Victim to Visionary
It is time to move past our wounds & into the way of the visionary warrior. Read my personal story of transformation from victim to visionary.
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