Time Sensitive!
Download by October 8th.

Penetrating, Powerful, Plumb Necessary Guidance
It's like we are breathing discord and supping on chaos.
Where's this wild and wooly mess coming from?
What can YOU do to navigate these troubled times?
You can start by downloading your copy of Provoking Chaos right now.
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Rich, Dark, Riveting!
Drip...Drip...Drip...One By One She's Revealing Her Secrets...
Can't you can feel it?
There's something in the AIR.
Find out what it is!
The First Revelation is my gift to you.
2022: That Old Black Magic...Coming Soon!

What Does It All Mean?
Hint: Uncaged, Unleashed, Unvarnished MAGIC!
Jupiter will conjunct Neptune in Pisces.
The United States will have its Pluto Return in the Second House of Finances.
What does it all mean?
I bet you'd love to know...
Reserve your copy to find out!
Welcome to Heart Fire: The Dreamer's Oracle
Happening to History with a Little Help From Heaven!
Astrology ∞ Tarot ∞ Inspiration ∞ Prayer
Reborn February 5, 2021 at 12:19 PM CST
It has long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things. ∞ Leonardo de Vinci
Heresy: New Moon Video Series from May 2021
Heresy: RED
Heresy: Hexing the Light
Heresy: Light and Slight of Hand
New Moon Manifestation: Astro-Prophecies (Passwords Are Removed the Day After the New Moon)
Protected: Mirror, Mirror, Banish the Mirror: Gemini New Moon June 2021
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
I’ve Got Something to Say: New Moon Manifestation April 2021
What would it do to your fascination with the carnival-barker voices in your head shilling for your karma if you only understood how essential your casting call really is to the future of this vast human tragicomedy? Let’s tackle this question together. Start reading now.
Between the Light and the Shadow: New Moon Manifestation March 2021
Learn how to use this New Moon to manifest your dreams. Strategic expression is the key. Find out More! Start reading now.
Aquarius New Moon: In the Still of the Night
It’s maddening when you crave motion, but the stillness of your dark night of the soul won’t let you go. There’s more to the story! Find out.